Based on the relation between creep rate and stress level in the stage of steady-state creep, a new method is put forward to determine long-term strength. 依据岩样稳态流变阶段的流变速率与应力水平的关系,提出了一种确定长期强度的方法。
On the Test Track Evaluation Based on the Creep Rate Parameters 基于蠕变率参数的车辙试验评价指标研究
The treatments including load-decreasing, reinforcing and groundwater-draining have greatly reduced the creep rate of speed, and the deformable mass tends to be stable. 在实施减载、支档和排水等综合治理措施后,滑动带位错速率减缓,边坡趋于稳定。
The creep rate was increased while the yield strength was reduced by anodic dissolution. 阳极电流不但使恒载荷下的不锈钢蠕变速度增加,而且使屈服强度下降。
The results reveal that creep rate will grow and the second phase of creep will shorten with the increase of loading stress. 研究结果表明:钢丝蠕变过程中,蠕变速率随工作应力的增加而增加,且在高应力作用下,蠕变第二阶段明显缩短;
In addition, the temperature effect on the compressive strength was studied. The results showed that the slope of strength versus temperature changed abruptly, and led to a significant increase in the creep rate at 44 ℃. 研究了温度对EPS压缩强度的影响,在44℃时压缩强度曲线出现突变,并导致压缩蠕变明显增加。
The fracture surface was observed with SEM and the creep rate dependence of the fracture time was obtained. 观察了蠕变断口的形貌,分析了蠕变寿命与蠕变速率的关系。
The press time for balance of sesame and peanut was selected by using curves of creep rate. 运用蠕变速率曲线确定了芝麻、花生、碎花生的平衡压榨时间。
Creep rate will decrease as the dislocation density increases in the condition of larger deformation. 而在相同应力作用下,随着钢丝变形量的增加,位错密度提高,蠕变速率趋于减缓。
The effects of processing, additives and reinforcements on creep rate, creep mechanism and creep life prediction were discussed. 讨论了材料加工工艺、添加剂和增强组元对蠕变速率的影响,以及蠕变机理和蠕变寿命预测方法。
The results indicate that lowering cobalt content has a little influence on the tensile properties, but a great influence on the creep rate and the stress rupture life. 结果表明:降低合金含钴量对合金的瞬时拉伸性能影响不大,但降低合金的弹性模量,钴显著影响合金的蠕变速率和蠕变断裂寿命。
State-of-art and development of refractories with low creep rate in Al_2O_ 3-SiO_2 system Al2O3-SiO2系低蠕变耐火材料的研究现状和进展
Analysis of tube with constant creep rate 蠕变常速度下筒形结构分析
The constant creep rate and creep breaking elongation were increased and creep-resistance breaking time was decreased with the increase of room temperature. 随环境温度的升高,纤维的恒蠕变速率增大,抗蠕变断裂时间变小,蠕变断裂伸长变大;
Results show that Mn can decrease creep and reduce creep rate to some extent. 研究结果表明,锰能不同程度地减少合金的蠕变量,降低蠕变速率。
The contract strain is increased with elongating the relaxation time, but the back creep rate is decreased. 瞬时应变与通过测量弹性模量计算的弹性应变基本一致,而随松弛时间的延长,反方向的应变增大,回蠕变的速率减小;
There is a relationship between the seismogenic process of earthquake and a abnormal variation of fault creep rate. 断层活动速率变化异常与地震的孕育存在一定的关系。
This paper mainly introduces the method for calculating the force at contact points, the contact stress and the creep rate, describes the advantages of concave circle tread, puts forward the design principles in using concave circle tread for a crane. 文章重点介绍了轮缘接触点上作用力、接触应力和蠕滑率的计算方法,阐述了圆弧凹形踏面的优点。最后提出了起重机采用圆弧凹形踏面车轮的设计原则。
The compressive creep rate in the alloy was mainly controlled by the lattice diffusion of zinc and dislocation limb, and the grain boundary sliding contributed for it in some degree. 稳态蠕变速率主要由锌的点阵扩散和位错的攀移所控制,品界滑移对蠕变也有贡献。
The increase of stress and elevated temperature will speed up the creep rate. High temperature and low initial strain will speed up the pace of relaxation. 应力和温度的提高都会加快蠕变的速度;高温和低的初始应变会加快松弛的速度。
As stress increases, the creep rate accelerates. And the higher stress is, the more obvious this phenomena is. 总结出随应力增大,蠕变速率加快,且应力水平越高,现象越明显。
The results revealed that the creep rate, creep strain rate, indentation stress and hardness are all dependent on the indentation depth. 压痕蠕变率,蠕变应变率,压痕应力和硬度都表现出了很强的尺寸效应。
The result shows that the axial strain and creep rate of methane hydrate containing ice increases with the increase of temperature and axial stress, while it decreases with the increase of confining pressure. 结果表明,含冰甲烷水合物的轴向形变和蠕变速率随温度和荷载的升高而增大,随围压的升高而减小。
Creep results show that after modeling, there is a clear upward trend in the creep rate of the model group, obvious difference compared with before modeling. 蠕变结果显示造模后,模型组的蠕变率有明显的上升趋势,与造模前比较差异明显。
Including locomotive dynamics model with detailed drive system, series excited DC motor speed control system, AC induction motor vector control system, adhesion control system by hybrid control method and a method based on optimal creep rate. 其中包括具有详细驱动系统的机车动力学模型,串励直流电机调速控制系统,交流异步电机矢量控制系统,组合校正法及一种基于最优蠕滑率法的粘着控制系统。
The effect of porosity on the methane hydrate-bearing sediments was analyzed. It indicates that the axial strain and creep rate decrease with the increase of porosity. 结果表明,沉积物的轴向位移和蠕变速率整体上随孔隙度的增加而下降。